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'Tis the season?

Typically this time every year, starting in October, I can feel my demeanor and mood come down like the ever impending snow storm. It is never intentional in its manifestations, but it is ever present upon my shoulders. It has come to a point where I am not sure if I do manifest it or if it is actually organic. I do know that those sunny, snow covered days, are the only ones where I don't totally want to go to bed as soon as I wake up. This isn't how I want to experience this time of year. I don't want to have to feel not only a burden to myself or one to my family. I had to start making changes anyways, I couldn't think of any better motivator, this season is the reason.

I had been trying the last couple of years to figure out some way to be able to overcome these feelings, as life was not going to stop because I don't feel like walking out of my bedroom door. I knew that the little amount of daylight really made my body start to settle in for the night and relax at 5 pm. Just in time to get out of work to make the nightly pickup/drop-off round, and lets not even factor in the rest. Who wants to end their day being grumpy and dumping those over flowing feelings onto their kids?

Getting out into nature is one of the best ways to help reset the brain when it is riddled with anxieties and depressive feelings. I hate to admit that sometimes walking out in the snow is calming. Getting cold on purpose is not my cup of tea. The sun provides the ability for our body to create vitamin D. I know that I needed an extra source of vitamin D because of labs pulled from my doctor showed an inadequate level. So supplementing was going to be necessary for me. If you aren't aware, vitamin D has been shown to help lesson the symptoms of depression (1). Not being able to get direct sunlight everyday shouldn't stop me from giving my body what it was clearly lacking. I make it a point to throw the curtains open everyday now, no matter the sun factor.

Knowing that I have a deficiency in vitamin D, iodine as well as others lead me to further evaluate what I have been eating as well. I don't claim to have the best diet. I have had to endure stomach related pain issues for most of my life. Most of it related to anxiety. It was exciting to learn that the Lion's Mane mushroom also has been studied for its possible positive effects on the stomach gut flora and mucus lining (2). So in this case the addition of Lion's Mane mushroom, whether fresh or in powder form, helps facilitate better structure to my diet. Being able to lesson the impacts of anxiety and stressors each day, allows for me to not eat my feelings away. I am also able to now give greater thought to what I eat and when. Even sometimes allowing thoughts as to why. More on that at a later time.

Another couple of supplements that I have added to my routine are Turmeric and Ashwagandha. Turmeric for its ability to help fight inflammation (3). Ashwagandha has provided me great sense of relaxation and relief at the end of the day. Setting the tone for an amazing nights sleep. With sleep being an important factor for everybody, it is especially important to maintain a proper sleep schedule. Incorporating a routine into the night time was the start of my ability to create any routine in my daily life. I have been pretty neglectful in the past with taking my needed medications daily when trying to schedule them for any other time of the day. Making it a "thing" to do at night and being able to stick to it, solidified the habit.

Carrying water around to ensure proper daily hydration is another great step I have added into my routine. Doing the combo of a good sleep prep, upping the intake of needed nutrients and vitamins, and drinking water consistently throughout the day has drastically reduced my need for coffee. I don't have the need for the pick me up of caffeine consistently. I don't have to endure the negative side effects I experience when I drink it often. When I fall short elsewhere and need to get a boost that I would typically receive from a cup a coffee, I instead reach for a cup of our Daily Dose tea. The tea having one of its main ingredients being green tea, will provide the caffeine that I crave without all of the other coffee side effects.

This season has been different for me, I am happy to say. Changing old habits has been hard. I have faltered more than once. Allowing for the space to forgive myself has lead to redirect back to the proper path faster. I have been far more consistent. Reflecting on these changes have highlighted the benefits each of these steps have provided to my daily routine. Overall the overwhelming feelings don't smack me as soon as I wake up. Even I am able to appreciate some overly cloudy days.

-With love


(1) Effects of vitamin D supplementation on symptoms of depression in overweight and

obese subjects: randomized double blind trial

First published: 11 November 2008

(2) Wong JY, Abdulla MA, Raman J, et al. Gastroprotective Effects of Lion's Mane Mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.:Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae) Extract against Ethanol-Induced Ulcer in Rats. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:492976. doi:10.1155/2013/492976

(3) Chainani-Wu N. Safety and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin: a component of tumeric (Curcuma longa). J Altern Complement Med. 2003 Feb;9(1):161-8. doi: 10.1089/107555303321223035. PMID: 12676044.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please see your healthcare provider for your personal care.

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